Downstream Supply Chain Management Software

Supply chain management forms the core to the effectiveness and profitability of companies in the FMCG space. Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) or Consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry has multiple challenges. The biggest being having visibility of the goods available across the distribution network.


The two biggest challenges are controlling the distributor and sub distributor network who will effectively keep inventory, service the retailers and accept complaints and manage the entire supply chain effectively. The downstream supply chain is crucial to the success of the company as no matter how much is spent on advertising, without proper downstream supply chain management there is no way that the consumer will be able to purchase the products.


We at Infiniti are in to downstream supply chain management softwares and application. An downstream supply chain software or what is popularly known as dealer management system effectively helps the principal company keep track of their secondary sales. Primary sales tracking effectively means the goods invoiced by the company to their distributor, however the primary sales does not give the company visibility of what markets are giving them the best returns and how the same can be used to increase market share in effective markets.


Market tracking and market analysis comes naturally with the supply chain softwares which not only keep the sales organization on toes but also helps the management understand where the actual focus needs to be directed to achieve stellar results in sales. Sales team needs to be given more focus and tools and softwares to capture and extend the information they hold about the stores. Effective tracking of store and outlets will increase the penetration and order concentration in each zone and territorial division.


Sales and distribution application have always been challenged by the changing business scenarios at various organizations and will effectively tackle each challenge coming across the organization. Go find your best fit with the available dealer management softwares for your organization.